I am a freelance multi-camera Director of live music, theatre, and events for the screen. I worked for BBC TV for nearly twenty years, and since 2013 I have worked for a variety of producers, independent companies and arts organisations both at the highest level, and on modest budgets. 

My experience is extensive - I have directed the cameras for many concerts, state ceremonial events, operas, ballets, contemporary dance and live music, jazz and drama events for TV, DVD, cinema, and the web. I specialise in live broadcasts of events as they happen, whether on a stage, in the studio, on location, or in a cathedral.

I am known for meticulous preparation, close artistic and organisational collaboration, and a heightened awareness of the audience’s response. Pre-prepared scripts or as-directed shows are equally at home to me. I regard my role on live events as cherishing the moment for the benefit of the viewer.

I am a fluent German speaker, and have worked on a number of TV events in Germany and the Czech Republic.